
GPLv3 License


EvilFeonix Basic v1.0


Geo-Trace is an OSINT tool that enables users to track and map phone numbers from around the world. With a user-friendly interface, GeoTrace provides quick insights into the origin of any phone number, displaying the country and marking an approximate location on a map.

This tool is ideal for anyone curious about incoming calls, telecom data analysis, or exploring how phone numbers are distributed across regions. GeoTrace combines the power of Python with interactive mapping to make phone number tracking easy, insightful, and visually engaging.

Geo-Trace: Beginner Gray Hat Hacking

Geo-Trace, is a basic Python script that aimed to Fetch and information based on the given phone number and it country, before tracking and mapping the phone phone numbers.

This Python script will:

  1. Fetch and gather information on a given phone number.
  2. track and display the approximately location (country, state, and street) on the screen.
  3. and also map the phone number using the coordinate (latitud, and langitude) by directing user to a map.

is Available on:

Installation in Termux and Usage:

Download Termux app from google play store and type following commands:

      pkg update && apt upgrade
      pkg install git
      pkg install python3
      git clone
      cd Geo-Trace
      python3 -c <countryCode> -p <phoneNumber>

Download and Install kali-linux from their official website and type following commands:

      sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
      sudo apt install git
      sudo apt install python3 python3-pip
      git clone
      cd Geo-Trace
      python3 -c <countryCode> -p <phoneNumber>

Geo-Trace Usage:

 Useage: python3 [OPTION...]
      | OPTIONS
            | -u <Script Updating>       | Update Geo-Trace Script for Better performance
            | -a <About Tool & Author>   | About Tool and Author's Contact Information
            | -c <Victim's Country Code> | Specify Victim's Country Code WithOut "+" .eg 234
            | -p <Victim's Phone Number> | Specify Victim's Phone Number'
      | EXAMPLES
            | python3 -u                   | Script Updating
            | python3 -a F30N1X            | About Tool & Author
            | python3 -c 234 -p 7000000000 | Specify victim's Country Code & Phone Number

Geo-Trace Map

A sample of Geo Trace outputed map:

EvilFeonix Basic v1.0


GNU General Public License v3.0